Akosombo Generating Station Retrofit (Ak-4) Project
Under the visionary leadership of Ebow Essandoh, GECAD had the opportunity to provide services during the rehabilitation of the Akosombo Hydro Power Plant under what is known as Akosombo Generating station Retrofit Projects (AK-4 Project). The project was undertaken by GE Canada and SAVIGLIANO SPA of Italy between 1992 and 1995.
Takoradi Thermal Power Project
This Thermal Power Plant (which was the first in Ghana) was built for the Volta River Authority and the Government of Ghana by General Electric (GE) led consortium and the other major company that assisted GE to construct the Plant is the Stone & Webster (S&W) Group of the United States of America.
The GE/S&W success in winning the Takoradi Themal Power Project (face 1) TK-1 Project was also due largely to the very rich experience GECAD had acquired in the management of this type of project in Ghana, and the excellent manner in which GECAD managed the rehabilitation of the Akosombo Hydro Plant under what was known as the Akosombo Generating Station Retrofit Project (AK-4 Project).
INAUGURATION OF Takoradi Thermal Power Station:
The construction of the Takoradi Thermal Power Project was completed in the later part of 1999, commissioned and fully operational in early 2000. The Power Station was inaugurated on 14 November 2000 by President Jerry John Rawlings.
Projects Profile:
GECAD wins judgment debt against VRA for outstanding claims of $13m
VRA refuses to pay GECAD for outstanding works and GECAD files writ of summons against VRA. The Kweku Awotwi factor – Fante Mafia
Total Loss of business with VRA
Infrastructure Developer and Sponsor for the 126 MW Tema Osonor Power Plant. Aldwych led to failure of Project in 2010.
The First Fire Test Successfully Conducted on 21st June 2008
Full Speed No Load (FSNL) achieved on 24th June 2008
EPC for the construction of the 126MW (GE F-9 Gas Turbine) Tema CENIT Thermal Power Plant for CENIT Energy Limited.
EPC for the construction of the 126MW (GE F-9 Gas Turbine Generator) Tema Thermal 1 Power Plant for Volta River Authority.
Trip to Nigeria to search for EPC Partner – Arumemi Johnson and Arik Air
Natural Gas Seminar conducted in Tema
Organized by GECAD in association with Falcongaz of Nigeria on the 7th December 2005. Fifteen companies From the Tema Industrial area were represented as well As key stakeholders in Ghana including the Ministry of
Energy, West Africa Gas Pipeline Company and the Energy Commission.
Research on Natural Gas Market Development
GECAD conducted market research in Tema from 2005 to 2007 to assess the potential demand for Natural gas.
Some of the key companies surveyed are Tema Oil Refinery, Volta Aluminum Company Limited (VALCO), ALUWORKS ,WAHOME Steel, Nestle Ghana Ltd, Unilever, Cocoa Processing Company, Ghana Textile Printing (GTP) and Intrinsic Resources
EPC for the construction of 4.0km natural gas pipeline from West Africa Gas Pipeline Company terminal to the Tema Thermal 1 Power Plant.
EPC for the construction of 1.5km natural gas pipeline from West Africa Gas Pipeline Company terminal to the Takoradi Thermal Power Plant.
EPC for the Addition of On-Base Fuel Gas Equipment for Two (2) turbines and Off-Base Fuel Gas Conditioning Equipment for four (4) Turbines to convert the Takoradi Thermal Plant from Light Crude Oil to Natural Gas.
Supply of capital spare parts and refurbishment of 125MW F9 Turbine
Sub-Contractor for inspection services, minor and major outages,
Supply of capital spare parts for the Takoradi Thermal Power Plant.
Disassembly of damaged 1 * 125 MW GE F-9 compressor/Stator, TTPP
Supply and installation of new 1 * 125 MW GE F-9 Compressor Rotor/Stator, TTPP
Repair of the Load Tunnel on 1 * 125 MW GE F9 gas turbine, TTPP Ghana.
Disassembly and Installation of Compressor Rotor, Stator and
Load Tunnel repairs at the Takoradi Thermal Power Plant, Ghana.
Rotor got damaged through water ingress
Inspection and Repair of 2 * 125MW GE-F9 gas Turbines / Takoradi Thermal Power Plant
Inspection and removal of damaged hot gas path to GE Basildon Service Center for repairs
Retrofit of the Akosombo Hydro generation plant with GE Canada and Voest Alpine of Austria - Ghanaian workers eventually went on strike to remove GECAD because they preferred to work with whites from Austria and Canada for even less pay
Supply of Gas Turbine Capital spares at the Takoradi Thermal Power Plant for hot gas path inspection for 2*126MW GE-F9 gas turbine
Client : Volta River Authority Project: Ak10 / Akosombo Hydro Power Plant. Rehabilitated and upgraded 6 x 165MVA GE transformers
Volta River Authority Project: Ak9 / Akosombo Hydro Power Plant Refurbish and upgraded hydro turbines from 48MW to 180MW
Sub-contractor for the Rehabilitation and upgrading of 165MVA power transformers at the Akosombo Power Station, Ghana.
Sub-contractor for the installation and commissioning of the Liquid Fuel Treatment Plant, Takoradi Thermal Power Plant (TTPP), Ghana.
Sub-Contractor for the installation and alignment of 2 x 125 MW GE Frame 9 gas turbine at the Takoradi Thermal Power Plant, Ghana.
Dispute with Stone and Webster site Project Manager over payment and goods in Takoradi warehouse. Project Manager was locked out of Ghana to his surprise. Stone and Webster eventually filed for Chapter 11 and till today GECAD is owed money.
TK-1 Contract involved the Installation and alignment of 2 x 125 MW GE Frame 9 gas Turbine equipment and component accessories on the gas turbine island at the TTPP. Installation of piping for fuel, water and air and construction of Fuel Treatment Plant at TTPP.
TK-2 Contract Involves the construction and installation of Steam Turbine and Heat Recovery Generators in 1997 and after completion, a Provisional Take Over Certificate (PTOC) was issued for VRA – TTPS to operate.
TK-3 Contract involves the Training and Development of Owner’s VRA-TTPS Personnel.
TK-4 Contract involves the construction of Township housing units and the Road network
Sub-contractor for co-ordinating the development and testing of hydro turbine runners for the 6 x 165 MW hydro turbines retrofit project.
Client: Volta River Authority Project: Transformer Refurbishment/Akosombo Hydro Power Plant
Scope: Refurbishment and upgrade of 166MVA Transformer. Processed oil and repaired tap changers
Sub-Contractor for the turnkey conversion of 4 x 25MW GE F5 turbines from heavy oil to gas at the Vridi Power Plant – L’EECI, Cote d’Ivoire.
Sub-contractor for the supply of lighting, fixtures, industrial and power controls to projects in Cameroun, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana